Spotted Lanternfly

Questions about the Spotted Lanternfly? Please refer to the chart. Residents are encouraged to help combat the spread of the spotted lanternfly by eliminating these non-native insects when possible. At this time of year, both adult spotted lanternflies and their egg masses can be found.  Please keep a look out and destroy these invaders whenever possible. Other tips can be found at (pdf version)





Category: Miscellaneous


Remember to Connect

Please take some time this weekend to make sure you connect with us; get weekly updates and notices about what is happening in the community.

You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+. Join our email list and sign up for the Ready Bucks Alert System to stay informed during emergency situations.




Push Out The Pusher

‘Push Out The Pusher’ is an initiative in Bucks County where the primary focus are dealers who fuel the increasing opioid epidemic in Bucks by selling potentially deadly drugs like heroin and fentanyl. You can get a yard sign and let the drug dealers know that you are pushing back and taking your community back.

FAQs Update

Ever wonder who to contact for an issue? We’ve created this list of common issues and who to contact. It basically has everything except for the Butterball hotline. We hope it comes in handy. Click here for the FAQs

Sign Up For Emergency Notifications

For emergency notifications, we use ReadyBucks. If you sign up to the system, emergency notifications will be sent directly to you. Signing up is free and your information is not shared. Please take a minute to sign up so you can receive immediate emergency notifications. Click here to sign up or click on the ReadyBucks logo.


Looking for the latest information about the floodplains in your neighborhood? Bucks County has some great tools to help you research this information.

Read more

Citizens Comments & Concerns

Staff Directory

Name Title Telephone
Tom Scott Township Manager 215-443-5414
Lisa Howdyshell Assistant Township Manager 215-443-5414
John Ramey Finance Director 215-443-5414
James Donnelly III Chief of Police 215-443-5000
Jessica Fox Director of Parks & Recreation 215-443-5428
Joe Velten Director of Emergency Management & Services 267-317-1313
Peter Lehu Library Director 215-672-4362
Mike Attara PGA Professional/Outings Coordinator, Five Ponds Golf Club 267-317-1366
Kurt Jensen Course Superintendent, Five Ponds Golf Club 267-317-1367
Andrew McAdams Director of Public Works 215-443-7592