Bids & RFPs

General Bid Information

To review Ordinance no. 729 which includes the responsible contractor provisions, click here. To respond to Section 8 part (b) of Ordinance no. 729, please send a formal letter including supporting evidence to the Township Manager at 401 Gibson Avenue, Warminster, PA 18974.

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Police FAQ’s

► How do I get a copy of a police report?

Reports are available at police headquarters.
Accident reports cost $15.00. All other Incident Reports cost $20.00.
Cash not accepted. Credit cards, checks, money orders accepted. Checks and Money Orders should be made payable to "Warminster Township".

You will first need to fill out a "Right-to-Know form" and submit it to the department. Once the request is reviewed you will be notified of the decision. If approved, ensure you bring your valid photo identification with when you come to request or pick up a report along with the balance due. The department will not release a report without proper identification or approval.

► What is the average time for a report to be completed?

Reports vary in time of completion. Some are very simple and can be completed usually in 1 to 2 days. Others such as Reportable Accident reports can take 5 to 10 days. Please be patient, as the report will be completed.

► Do cops really have a ticket quota?

No, there is no such thing as a ticket quota. It does not measure an officer's work effort and it is illegal.

► How can I obtain a copy or information on an arrest in the neighborhood?

Most of the arrest information is kept confidential. If the arrest has not gone completely through the court system, we cannot release anything more than what you may have seen in the papers.

► Can I ride a motorized scooter, quad, motorized bike, or go-cart on the streets or anywhere else?

If it is motorized, the operator needs to have a license, registration and insurance for the vehicle. The vehicle also must have the proper equipment to be driven on the roads, such as turn signals, lights, brake lights, a valid registration tag, etc. The mini bikes, go-carts, quads and scooters are not legal to ride at this time in Pennsylvania, unless you are on private property and have permission to ride there. If you do ride at an approved location, always wear helmets and the proper safety equipment. Violation of this or any other part of this section can result in traffic tickets, just as if you were operating a car or truck. The vehicle may also be towed.

► How dark can I have the after market tinting on my car windows?

After market tinting is legal on the driver's side and passenger's side glass of vehicles as long at the light transmitted to the inside is at least 70% of the outside light. The Warminster Police do have tint meters and it is a primary offense, which means you can be stopped for the tinting only.

► What are the differences in a 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree misdemeanor offense?

Basically the determination of the degree of the crime is the severity and the sentence a person could receive for the offense. The guidelines for this are found in PA Consolidates Statutes Sentencing Code Title 42, sections 9701 through 9781. These guidelines define a Misdemeanor 1 (M-1) as a crime punishable by a maximum prison sentence of 5 years and a $10,000.00 fine. An M-2 as maximum of 2 years and a $5,000.00 fine, and an M-3 as maximum 1 year and a $2,500.00 fine.

► What do I do if I feel a traffic citation is unfair?

Plead Not Guilty and request a hearing from the District Justice. Call 215-672-5853 for more information or read and fill out the back of the ticket you have received.

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Citizens Comments & Concerns

Licenses & Inspections FAQ’s

► When do I need a building or zoning permit?

Building and zoning permits are the primary tools utilized by the Township to insure orderly construction and development. Building and zoning permits must be secured prior to the start of any construction.

Review of the plot plan for the zoning permit is required to be approved before progression is made to the building permit approval of the construction plan. Rules regarding size, location, and use within the boundaries of the parcel are generally covered by the Zoning Code.

Building permits are needed to assure the minimum requirements of the present building codes are met. Inspections are made during construction to assure the construction is done properly. The applicant is wholly responsible to see that the Building Code Official of Warminster Township is notified to schedule required inspections at each stage of construction. Inspections must be done before proceeding to the next phase of construction. Twenty-four (24) hour notice is required to schedule an inspection.

► What projects do you need a building permit for?

  • Building permit with plot plan (including construction drawings or manufacturer's specifications with application)
  • Additions
  • Decks
  • Sunrooms, patios or other enclosures
  • Concrete pad or slab
  • Generator
Building miscellaneous permit application

  • Alteration within the structure such as removing, altering or adding walls or rooms. Include other miscellaneous application where applicable such as HVAC, plumbing, and electrical permit, hot water heater
  • Replacement of reroof with sheathing
  • Shed 144 square feet or less (zoning permit)
  • Shed over 144 square feet (building permit)
  • Demolition of structures or pool

► What is the Uniform Construction Code (UCC)?

Warminster has "opted-in" to enforce the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC). The adoption of this code incorporated the following codes: International Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Residential, Fuel Gas, Fire, Energy Conservation, Electrical, and Existing Building. These codes and laws should be referred to for detailed information. Please note, specific questions should be directed to the Department of Licenses & Inspections.

Under UCC enforcement the Township allowed to review and approve a permit under the following timeline. Please note that if there is a requirement of the Township for more revised plans, the timeline is stopped and will begin again upon receipt of new or revised plans. Notification will be sent to the applicant of items needed for complete permit approval.

Residential: 15 business days (3 weeks) for plan approval
Non- Residential: 30 business days (6 weeks) for plan approval

► Does my contractor need to be registered with the Township?

Before you hire a contractor to do work on your property, be sure to check with the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Pennsylvania Attorney General to assure that the contractor you have would like to use is registered with them. Also, be sure you ask and receive a copy of the contractor's up-t-date certification of insurance. Unless the contractor is exempt under the law, workers' compensation insurance is required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Be sure you verify this with your contractor.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has adopted the Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act 132 enforced by the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General. It is now required that all contractors who enter into a contract with a homeowner for work more than $500.00 shall be required to register with the Commonwealth. The contractor is also required to meet all requirements of the Act. Be sure the contractor you use meets the following requirements when entering into a contract for work on your property. We encourage the homeowner to empower themselves with the information they need when entering into a contract with a contractor. Contact the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney Generals public access number at 717-772-2425 to obtain information as to whether a contractor is registered. Information may also be obtained on their website:

Contractors who perform residential permit work will be required to have an up-to-date contractor registered with Pennsylvania.  Proof of the PA registration and certificate of insurance must be submitted before a permit will be issued or work may begin.

► Do I need to fill out a workers’ compensation form?

The Township requires that with each and every permit submitted for residential and non-residential work, a workers' compensation form be completed by the contractor stating the situation that applies to them. Forms do not have to be notarized if the contractor has workers' compensation insurance. However, form must be fully completed and signed. See permit list.

► Do I need to fill out an Agent’s Affidavit Form?

The Township requires that an agent's affidavit form be completed by the property owner and the contractor for all residential and non-residential permit applications so that it is on record that the property owner is aware of the duly authorized agent or contractor is permitted to submit the required documents for the building permit. See permit list.

► What is required to sell or rent property in Warminster Township?

Residential: An Occupancy Certificate is required to be acquired from Warminster Township whenever a property is sold or rented. The inspection process is the same in either case. However, an annual housing license is required for all rental properties in the Township.

Download the "Occupancy Certificate Inspection- Sale or Rental of House" form. This packet explains the requirements for the occupancy inspection. To begin the process, complete the application and submit the correct fee to the Department of Licenses & Inspections. An inspection of the property will be scheduled. If any corrections are noted to be done, a notice will be issued listing the items to be submitted or corrected. When the noted items are completed, a re-inspection will be scheduled. Contact the department to schedule the inspection. When all compliance has been met, a clear Occupancy Certificate will be issued. Provisions are set for properties being sold in an "as is" condition or agreements being made to pass along certain items from the seller to the buyer. The packet explains the requirements; however, please contact the Department of Licenses & Inspections with any questions or concerns.

Non-residential: Download the "Use & Occupancy Application- Sale or Rental of Commercial" form. This packet includes the Use & Occupancy application and requirements. Also, download the "Heater Certification and Electrical Inspection Agencies- Courtesy form.

► What kind of concrete permit do I need?

Concrete replaced in the Township right-of-way requires that a permit be obtained from the Department of Licenses & Inspections. After the application is approved and a permit issued, an inspection must be scheduled with the concrete inspector before the concrete is poured and finished, including the grading of the grass area around the replacement. Use the "Concrete Replacement Row" application.

When a concrete slab or pad is installed around the house, a building and zoning permit must be obtained. A plot plan and construction drawing must be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Officer and the Building Code Official. Inspections will be completed according to building code requirements. Use the "Building permit with plot plan" application.

► Is there a township zoning map?

Stormwater Management

What is Storm Water?

Storm water is water from precipitation that flows across the ground and pavement when it rains or when snow and ice melt. The water seeps into the ground or drains into what we call storm sewers. These are the drains you see at street corners or at low points on the sides of streets. Collectively, the draining water is called storm water runoff.

Why is Storm Water “Good Rain Gone Wrong?”

Storm water becomes a problem when it picks up debris, chemicals, dirt, and other pollutants as it flows or when it causes flooding and erosion of stream banks. Storm water travels through a system of pipes and roadside ditches that make up storm sewer systems. It eventually flows directly to a lake, river, stream, wetland, or coastal water. All of the pollutants storm water carries along the way empty into our waters, too, because storm water does not get treated!

Pet wastes left on the ground get carried away by storm water, contributing harmful bacteria, parasites and viruses to our water. Click here for information.

Vehicles drip fluids (oil, grease, gasoline, antifreeze, brake fluids, etc.) onto paved areas where storm water runoff carries them through our storm drains and into our water.

Chemicals used to grow and maintain beautiful lawns and gardens, if not used properly, can run off into the storm drains when it rains or when we water our lawns and gardens.

Waste from chemicals and materials used in construction can wash into the storm sewer system when it rains. Soil that erodes from construction sites causes environmental degradation, including harming fish and shellfish populations that are important for recreation and our economy.

Restoring Rain’s Reputation: What Everyone Can Do To Help:

Rain by nature is important for replenishing drinking water supplies, recreation, and healthy wildlife habitats. It only becomes a problem when pollutants from our activities like car maintenance, lawn care, and dog walking are left on the ground for rain to wash away. Here are some of the most important ways to prevent storm water pollution:

  • Properly dispose of hazardous substances such as used oil, cleaning supplies and paint—-never pour them down any part of the storm sewer system—-report anyone who does.
  • Use pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides properly and efficiently to prevent excess runoff.
  • Look for signs of soil and other pollutants, such as debris and chemicals, leaving construction sites in storm water runoff or tracked into roads by construction vehicles. Report poorly managed construction sites that could impact storm water runoff to your community.
  • Install innovative storm water practices on residential property, such as rain barrels or rain gardens, that capture storm water and keep it on site instead of letting it drain away into the storm sewer system.
  • Report any discharges from storm water outfalls during times of dry weather—-a sign that there could be a problem with the storm sewer system.
  • Pick up after pets and dispose of their waste properly. No matter where pets make a mess—-in the backyard or at the park—-storm water runoff can carry pet waste from the land to the storm sewer system to a stream.
  • Store materials that could pollute storm water indoors and use containers for outdoor storage that do not rust or leak to eliminate exposure of materials to storm water.

Stormwater Information provided by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, “When it Rains, it Drains” brochure.

Stormwater Links:

DEP Stormwater Management Program
DEP Homepage
EPA Stormwater Program
EAP Homepage
PA Environmental Quality Board
MS4 Pollutant Reduction Plan

EPA Websites:

EPA Water Pollution Prevention and Control
EPA Stormwater Homepage
EPA MS4 Main Page
National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices
Stormwater Outreach Materials and Reference Documents
MS4 Fact Sheet
Polluted Runoff: Nonpoint Source Pollution

Staff Directory

Name Title Telephone
Tom Scott Township Manager 215-443-5414
Lisa Howdyshell Assistant Township Manager 215-443-5414
John Ramey Finance Director 215-443-5414
James Donnelly III Chief of Police 215-443-5000
Jessica Fox Director of Parks & Recreation 215-443-5428
Joe Velten Director of Emergency Management & Services 267-317-1313
Peter Lehu Library Director 215-672-4362
Mike Attara PGA Professional/Outings Coordinator, Five Ponds Golf Club 267-317-1366
Kurt Jensen Course Superintendent, Five Ponds Golf Club 267-317-1367
Andrew McAdams Director of Public Works 215-443-7592

Township FAQ’s

► Emergency

In the case of an emergency, please call 911. To request an officer to your location to take a report, please call the Police non-emergency number: (215) 672-1000

► Who should I call regarding liens/ delinquent real estate taxes, sanitation fees, and street lighting charges?

Portnoff Law Associates - 484-690-9312 or online at

► Save a Life: Don't Run-Call 911

Pennsylvania has enacted a Good Samaritan Law called Act 139, which provides certain criminal and civil protections for persons who dial 911 and seek emergency help for persons experiencing an overdose and stay on scene until emergency personnel arrive. Act 139 may provide protections for the person experiencing an overdose. Help save your friends and loved ones. For more information, click here for the press release, visit, or call 1-800-221-6333.

► Noise Complaint

Warminster Township: (215) 443-5414 between 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. Otherwise, call the Police non-emergency number: (215) 672-1000 when the incident occurs.

► Burning Complaint

Call the Police non-emergency number: (215) 672-1000 as the incident is occurring. Call 911 in case of emergency.

► Zoning / Building / Licenses

Licenses & Inspections: (215) 443-5423 - click here

► High Grass / Property Maintenance

Warminster Township: (215) 443-5414 between 8:30 AM-4:30 PM

► Who do I contact about adding an addition to my property?

Call the Licenses & Inspections department at 215-443-5423.

► Fire Inspections

Emergency Management and Services: (267) 317-1313

► Vehicular Traffic Complaint

Call the Police non-emergency number: (215) 672-1000

► What should I do if I want to lodge a complaint about an area in the Township, such as a traffic light out or downed traffic sign?

You can fill out a complaint using the repair form or you can log a formal complaint by calling 215-443-5414.

► Who maintains the roads and potholes for the Township?

You can call the complaint line at 215-443-5414 to let them know where a problem exists in the Township.

Roads maintained by PennDot are Street Road, York Road, Bristol Road, County Line Road, Jacksonville Road, Bristol Road and Mearns Road that need repair can call PennDot at 1-800-FIX-ROAD or 1-800-349-7623

► Who picks up my trash and when?

J.P. Mascaro is the Trash Company and will pick up your trash twice a week. The days vary, depending on where you live in the township. Please click here to see more information and the trash map.

► What if I have a large item to throw out?

Bulk items can go out on the second trash day of the week. Please call JP Mascaro & Sons at 1-800-432-1616 and let them know that a bulk pick it up is needed.

► Hazardous Waste and E-Recycling

Bucks County Planning Commission: (215) 345-3400

► Does the Township have anyone to take care of stray animals?

Animal Control: (267) 317-1380 between 6:30 AM-3:00 PM Otherwise, contact the Police non-emergency number: (215) 672-1000

► Where do I go to find my lost pet?

Animal Control: (267) 317-1380 between 6:30 AM-3:00 PM Otherwise, contact the Police non-emergency number: (215) 672-1000

► Is there an ordinance for animal defecation?

The Pooper Scooper Ordinance! In October 2000, the Board of Supervisors passed Ordinance #565 regulating animal defecation on public and private property and the disposal of animal feces. In short, pet owners are now required to clean up after their animals, not only in the parks, but on all public and private properties throughout the Township, or face the possibility of a fine up to $1,000.

► Do I need to display my house numbers?

House number display- By law, the owners of buildings and homes within Warminster Township are required to display the building or house number. The number must be readily seen from the street or highway. Numbers on homes need to be at least 4 inches high and in a contrasting color. Commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings need to have numbers at least 6 inches high and in contrasting color.

► Rodents / Mosquitoes / Pests

Bucks County Health Department: (215) 345-3318

► Does the Township have its own TV station?

Yes, if you have Suburban cable, you can get up-to-the-date information and watch the Board of Supervisors meeting on channel 22 (Comcast) or 45 (Verizon FIOS).

► Cable / Phone / Power Wires

In case of emergency for downed wires, call 911

PECO - 1-800-494-4000
VERIZON - 1-800-VERIZON (1-800-837-4966)
COMCAST - 1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278)

► Sewer and Water

Warminster Municipal Authority: (215) 675-3301 or click here

► To report a problem with a manhole cover in the Township:

Please direct your calls to Warminster Municipal Water Authority at 215-675-3301 or click here

► Taxes

REAL ESTATE - Barbara Loftus, Tax Collector: (215) 443-8282
EIT AND LST - Keystone Collections Group: (888) 519-3898

► Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: (215) 443-5428 or or click here

► Who should I call if I want to have an event in a Township Park?

You will need to contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 215-443-5428 or click here.

► Are there any Park Rules or Regulations?

Ordinance #321 explains the Park Rules and Regulations for Warminster Township. Click here to see the Summary of the Ordinance.

► Who do I call if I want to have a block party?

The Warminster Parks & Recreation Department. They can be reached at 215-443-5428. You can access the form here.

► Library

Warminster Library: (215) 672-4362 or click here

► Senior Citizen Resources

Ben Wilson Senior Activity Center: (215) 672-8380 or click here

► Is there a fee if I pay by credit card?

A 3% Convenience Fee will be added to all payments made by credit card.

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