About Us
The Township’s Recreation Services Division provides numerous year-round special events and community services. With the changes to our programming initiatives in 2015, the Parks & Recreation Department has begun rebuilding many of our educational programs and creating new activities. Due to the limited size our building, we have partnered with many local facilities to outsource some of our programs. While many are free, all programs and special events require registration. Feel free to call the office at 215-443-5428 or use the online registration: www.warminstertownship.org/specialevents if you need more information.
The Department also oversees and maintains 420 acres of active and passive recreation areas in 13 parks. Warminster Community Park is the largest, 240 acres, with over 5 miles of trails. Many of our other parks are pocket parks located in neighborhoods. We encourage residents to take time to enjoy nature use this website to find local parks: https://goodforpa.com. Sport organizations such as soccer, football, basketball, swimming, wrestling, kickball, baseball, and softball are offered by various adult and youth sport organizations throughout the seasons.
After several years of planning and a year of work, Warminster Township is happy to announce that the construction work at Warminster Community Park is complete. WCP is now home to a championship soccer field, two youth baseball/softball fields; a new pavilion with rest rooms; new play apparatus; new basketball courts, including a Bankshot basketball system, which allows all abilities to participate; expanded parking; new and expanded trails and new fencing along Bristol and Newtown Roads. WCP is now accessible from Veterans Way and Bristol Road.
With assistance from local legislators, developers, sport & civic organizations and individuals, the Township was able to acquire over $3M in grant funds and donations to bring this project to fruition. We would like to thank all that made this project possible and the Warminster community for your patience throughout the construction process. We hope that everyone enjoys the improvements that have been completed.
For our events to be successful, we are seeking volunteers who wish to assist. No worries about the time commitment – it can be as little as a half hour to multiple hours and on a flexible schedule. Let us know if you are interested by contacting the Parks & Rec office at 215-443-5428. Please be aware that background checks may be required when working with children.
There are still a few facades available in Warminster Parks & Recreation’s Safety Town at Warminster Community Park for a 5-year lease period. Business sponsorship is also being sought for recyclable benches, a shed for big-wheel/trike storage and a sunshade. If interested, contact the Parks & Recreation Department for more information.
Dog License and Bark Park Paw Passes
Annual Dog Licenses and Bark Park Paw Passes are available for purchase in the Parks & Recreation office, Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. Bark Park classes are now forming for new members and are available online until we can meet again in person. Check on line for more information: https://warminsterpa.myrec.com
Weather Cancellations
For weather closings and program cancellations, visit the Township website at www.warminstertownship.org or visit our Warminster Township Parks and Recreation on Facebook. We are unable to give refunds or credit for emergency or weather-related cancellations, or other circumstances beyond our control. However, we will make every possible attempt to reschedule the event.
Warminster Parks & Recreation recognizes the importance of recreation for everyone. Many of our facilities are barrier free. We will, to the best of our ability, adapt our parks, trips, and special events to make them accessible to persons with special needs. We invite physically challenged persons to let us know what kinds of adaptations we can make so that as many people as possible can enjoy quality leisure services.
- TDD for the Hearing & Speech Impaired: We can be reached by contacting the Pennsylvania telephone relay service at (800) 654-5984.
- Sports for Individuals with Disabilities – Information on organizations serving physically challenged athletes is available at these websites: www.dsusa.org: www.disabled-world.com/sports; www.dasasports.org; www.mageerehab.org: www.wheelchairnet.org: or search: Disabled Sports.
- Outdoor Safety and Health: www.safehome.org