Board of Supervisors
The Township Board of Supervisors is charged by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with, among other things, the general governance of the Township and the execution of legislative, executive, and administrative powers in order to ensure sound fiscal management and to secure the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Township. To email a supervisor directly, please select one from below.
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Comcast channel 22, Verizon channel 45
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Replay of Supervisors meeting can also be seen anytime on our YouTube Channel . . .
► Kenneth M Hayes (Chair)
Term Ends: 2025
Mr. Hayes is presently serving as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Prior to his election to the Board of Supervisors in January 2020, he served as chair of the Warminster Township Environmental Advisory Council, former chair and member of the Budget Committee, member of the Pension Investment Committee, and an alternate on the Planning Commission.
Ken has resided in Warminster Township for 25 years.
► Katherine L. Frescatore (Vice Chair)
Term Ends: 2027
Ms. Frescatore is currently serving as Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. She has resided in Warminster for 33 years. She was the former chairwoman of Warminster Township’s Communications Board. In addition, Katherine was a volunteer coach for a variety of Warminster’s Intramural sports teams for 27 years. She coached boys’ baseball, boys’ and girls’ basketball and girls’ softball.
► Judith A. Hoover (Secretary)
Term Ends: 2025
Ms. Hoover is currently serving as Township Secretary on the Board of Supervisors. She first moved to Warminster Township in 1971 and returned to the area again in 2013. Prior to serving on the board, she served as Warminster Township Auditor and as a member of the Parks and Rec Board. Judy is currently a member of both the Friends of Warminster Parks and the Friends of the Warminster Library.
► Chuck Heybach (Treasurer)
Term Ends: 2029
Mr. Heybach is presently serving as as Township Treasurer of the Board of Supervisors. He has been a lifelong Warminster resident, member of local 690 plumbers union and wrestling coach. Chuck decided to run for Supervisor because he want to continue to support fiscal stability, oversee environmental and water concerns, and sustain the many great improvements that have been made.
► Janice Charlton
Term Ends: 2027
Ms. Charlton is currently serving as member on the Board of Supervisors. As a mother of nine, she is used to multi-tasking and problem solving. She is an active member of our community and wants the best for each of you regardless of party affiliation. The individuals of our community from our youngest children to oldest seniors make us into one family of Warminster residents. As in all families, not every day is perfect, but we hear the concerns of each member and work to keep peace within our family. She wants Warminster to be the place families of all ages will want to call their home.