The Department of Licenses and Inspections is responsible for the issuance of all licenses, coordination of inspections, enforcement of all codes including building, zoning, use & occupancy, and various other permits. All inspections performed are to insure that buildings and properties throughout the Township are in compliance with the codes and ordinances adopted by the Township Board of Supervisors.
- Permits are required for home improvements that involve wall removal or installation, in-law dwelling, no-impact home-based business, above ground pool (deeper than 24-inches), in-ground pool, earth disturbance (greater than 1,000 SF), HVAC, electrical or plumbing work, decks, patios, sheds or fencing.
- A Use & Occupancy permit is required when a property is being sold.
- A zoning permit is required for as shed of 144 SF or less. A building permit is required for a shed greater than 144 SF and footers will be required.
- Permits are required for Commercial improvements that involve a fit out, changes to the existing layout and signage. A Use & Occupancy permit is required when a property is sold or there is a change in tenant.
- Temporary permits are required for transient Uses, tents (greater than 10 FT x 10 FT), fencing, signage and trailers. Permit application forms and fees are available on the Township web site ( or at the License & Inspection Office located at 910 W Bristol Road.
- Complete permit applications should be hand delivered or mailed to the Licenses & Inspection Office. There is a night drop box, prior to the gate, adjacent to the US Postal Mail box. The Township only accepts check or money orders. Code requirements are available through Code 360 at If you have a question as to whether a permit is required, please call the License & Inspection Office (215-443-5423).
- Any property located in the Little Neshaminy Creek watershed that is proposing to increase the impervious coverage, will be required to install landscaping and provided a Stormwater Planting Agreement.
Zoning Application (fences, permanent signs, and accessory structures)
UCC Application (building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and fire suppression)
The Township does not accept online permit applications for concrete work. If one is submitted online it will not be reviewed.
The documents listed below are required for physical and online permit submissions.
- Completed and signed permit application
- 2 copies of the plot plan (for a sign it must show sign location and setbacks)
- 2 copies of the construction plans (for a sign permit)
- Homeowner’s Association Approval Letter (If Applicable)
- Copy of PA Contractor Registration Certificate
- Copy of Contractor’s Liability Insurance (must list Warminster Township as additional insured)
- Copy of Contractor’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance (must list Warminster Township as additional insured) or complete the Workers’ Exemption form
- Agents Affidavit
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
For all inspection scheduling (except where noted below for electrical inspections)
Contact Information: Department of Licenses & Inspections
910 West Bristol Road
Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: 215-443-5423 | Fax: 215-443-7911
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Questions for zoning ordinance
Zoning Officer
Phone: 267-317-1377
Residential & Commercial Building Plan Reviews and Inspections
The following inspectors are responsible for the plan reviews and inspections of Warminster Township.
To schedule BUILDING inspections as noted on the inspection sheet included with permit: 215-443-5423
Download permit forms from this website to begin the process for submittal
Building Code Official
Jimmy Valentin, Building Inspector
Phone: 215-443-5423
ELECTRICAL PERMITS: Applications for permits are submitted directly to the Department of Licenses & Inspections. The following Third Party Electrical Inspection Agency will schedule and perform the inspections after the permit is approved and issued. Download permit forms from this website.
United Inspection Agency
Contact: 215-542-9977
Resale Housing Occupancy Certificate
Phone: 215-443-5423
Warminster Municipal Authority
Sale or Transfer of a Property Procedure (separate from Township requirements)
Phone: 215-675-3301
Rental License for RESIDENTIAL properties
Phone: 215-443-5423
Property Maintenance – Service Request
Phone: 215-443-5423
Fire Inspections: Emergency Management & Services
Phone: 215-443-5414
The PA Home Improvement Act 132 that becomes effective 7/1/09 requires that all contractors who enter into a contract with a homeowner for work more than $500.00 shall be required to register with the Commonwealth. Contact: for details.
Contact the Department of Licenses & Inspections at 215-443-5423 to check that the contractor you decide to use is also registered with Warminster Township.
2015 Construction Codes
Beginning on March 21, 2019 the 2015 Edition of the International Code Series will be the code requirements for all construction taking place within Warminster Township as required by the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code. Please note the Accessibility Code will remain the ICC A117.1 2015 Edition. Any work that has a valid permit, construction plans under review, or an executed contract for design prior to March 21, 2019 may follow the 2009 Editions. Copies of the 2015 Editions are available for review at the Licenses and Inspections Office at 910 W. Bristol Road, Warminster PA 18974. The code books may also be purchased at 2015 ICC Store. Should you have any questions please contact the Building Code Official at (215) 443-5423.