Community Information

Warminster Community Organizations

Benjamin Wilson Senior Center 215-672-8380
Centennial Singers 215-657-2415 n/a
Craven Hall Historical Society 215-675-4698
Friends of Warminster Library 215-672-4362 n/a
Friends of Warminster Parks n/a
Spartans Youth Wrestling Club n/a
Valley Youth House 215-442-9760
Warminster Amateur Radio Club (WARC) 215-443-5656
Warminster Area Women’s Club 215-957-9743 n/a
Warminster Historical Society 267-961-2189 n/a
Warminster-Southampton Lion Club 215-350-7887 n/a
Warminster Rotary 703-581-9239
Warminster Symphony Orchestra 215-672-9650
Warminster Women’s Softball League 267-474-6025 n/a
William Tennent House Association 215-343-1599
William Tennent Marching Band Association 215-441-6181 n/a
Bucks County Community Organizations
Bucks County Community Traffic Safety 215-491-9260 n/a
Bucks County area Agency on Aging 215-348-0510
Bucks-Mont Art League 215-674-4292 n/a
Bux-Mont Meals on Wheels 215-443-9784
Bucks County Electronic & Hazardous Waste Collections 215-345-3400
Gilda’s Club 215-441-3290 ext.104 n/a
Greater Bucksmont Chamber of Commerce 215-672-6633
Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA) 215-343-6543

Voting Information

Voting Districts

The following are a list of District Polling places and their locations. However, if you are unsure of your voting location, feel free to call Bucks County Voter Registration at 215-348-6163. also on the internet at or

District # – Location

District #1 – Warminster Library, 1076 Emma Ln
District #2 – Warminster Community Center, 75 Downey Dr
District #3 – First Presbyterian Church of Warminster, 500 Madison Ave
District #4 – Warminster Township Building, 401 Gibson Ave
District #5 – Everett A. McDonald Elementary School, 666 Reeves Ln
District #6 – Willow Dale Elementary School, 720 Norristown Rd
District #7 – Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 10 Greene Rd
District #8 – Benjamin H. Wilson Senior Center, 580 Delmont Ave
District #9 – Log College Middle School, 730 Norristown Rd
District #10 – William Tennent High School, 333 Centennial Rd
District #11 – Everett A. McDonald Elementary School, 666 Reeves Ln
District #12 – Benjamin H. Wilson Senior Center, 580 Delmont Ave
District #13 – Willow Dale Elementary School, 720 Norristown Rd
District #14 – McDonald Elementary School, 666 Reves Ln
District #15 – Log College Middle School, 730 Norristown Rd
District #16 – William Tennent High School, 333 Centennial Rd
District #17 – Warminster Library, 1076 Emma Ln

Trash Information

Questions / Concerns: please call (267) 317-1379 or email trash @ 

► What is the current trash rate?

Annual Trash Bill
  • $440.00 per household
Senior Rate
  • $385.00 per household (Residents 62 years of age or older in the calendar year) Please Note: Proper proof of identification and age is required to be shown to Tax Collector when requesting the $55 discount.
In 2019 and beyond this fee also includes 2 wheeled toters, one for trash and one for recycling.

► When are my trash, recycling and yard waste collection days?

To collect trash & recyclables more efficiently, JP Mascaro & Sons, the contracted trash removal service for Warminster Township, has broken the Township into eight sections. View the Warminster Township Collection Zone Map or call Warminster Township at (215) 443-5414.Your collection days have not changed.

► When should I put out my trash?

Collection will occur twice per week. Place no more than a maximum of six containers of trash at the street’s edge, including your trash toter, anytime after 6 p.m. the night before your scheduled pick-up days. Your trash must be at the curb before 7:00 AM on your day of collection. Your service days have not changed.
  • What is the bag limit for my trash pickup? 6 bags
Holiday Schedule - If your collection day falls on a holiday it will be skipped until the next scheduled collection day. Holidays: New Year’s Day (January 1), Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (December 25). The next regularly scheduled collection day for your service will be considered a double pick up.

► What are bulk items? When can I put out a bulk item?

One bulk item permitted is permitted per household per week on your second collection day of the week.
  • No construction or demolition debris!
  • • Bulk items include things like a sofa, water heater, stove, Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and dehumidifiers may contain cfcs (freon) and need special handling. Please call 1-800-432-1616 to schedule a pick up.
  • Carpets must be cut in three-foot strips, rolled and tied, up to ten rolls.
  • Mattress & box spring counts as one item. Mattresses and box springs must be wrapped in plastic or they will not be collected at all.
  • Twigs & branches must be cut in 3 foot lengths and tied in a bundle, only 10 bundles per pick up, or 10 logs or 1 stump. (if twigs are too small to bundle, put them in separate can as a bulk item). 
    • Please see What is yard waste? How is it collected? For more details 
  • Did you know that lawn mowers can be disposed on the second trash day of the week as your one bulk item? Just empty all oil and gasoline from the machine, and Mascaro will take away the mower.
  • Disposal Of Household Paints
    • Latex paint ONLY: let paint dry in can. Adding kitty litter or a commercial drying agent will speed up the drying process. When paint is dry, double bag the can before putting it in the trash. Leaking paint will damage our trucks and stain your street.

► What Is Single-Stream Recycling?

Single-stream recycling allows residents to place all recyclables: cans, bottles and plastics together with newspapers, cardboard, and mixed paper in one container. There is no need to separate items since the “single stream” recycling process used allows all recyclables to be mixed together. Single-stream recycling will be collected by a compaction truck. Only recyclables will be on this truck on your recycling day, it cannot collect non-recyclable items.

► What can I recycle?

  • Aluminum and Metal Cans: aluminum cans (beer and soda); aluminum foil and foil plates, etc., metal lids; metal food cans (tin/steel). Please rinse food products.
  • Glass: glass bottles and jars (food and drink only). Please rinse food products.
  • Plastic containers: plastic bottles and containers labeled #1 – #7 (soda, water, milk, juice, liquor, shampoo, detergent, condiments, salad dressing, yogurt, margarine). Please rinse food products.
  • Mixed paper and cardboard: Paper material, such as, newspaper and inserts, magazines and catalogs, junk mail, envelopes, file folders, office white, colored and computer paper (staples and paper clips ok) should be tied in separate bundles when placed for collection. Corrugated cardboard boxes, wax cartons, cereal, tissue, gift boxes, etc. (remove liners), paper bags, phone books, wrapping paper (remove metallic paper, bows, etc.). Break down all boxes. Tie in separate bundles (no larger than 2′ x 3′). No paint or oil contaminated boxes. Make sure that paper and cardboard material remain dry. Do Not Recycle the following: ceramics, dishes, coffee cups, drinking glasses, glass ovenware, pyrex, vision ware, window glass, mirrors, light bulbs, plastics without #1 through #7 labeling, plastic bags, styrofoam packaging, bubble wrap, tissue or paper towels, metallic or coated paper, waxed boxes, books or toys.
  • Attached is a list of a few locations we have found in the area with contact information which will recycle your television set for a small fee. This information is provided as a courtesy to our residents and the Township does not endorse or audit any of their activities. Click here to learn how to recycle E-Waste and TV’s
  • For more information about Bucks County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events, please click here to find the information from the Bucks County Planning Commission. The Bucks County Planning Commission also has a comprehensive list of recycling questions posted at this link as well.

► What do I do with electronic waste/e-waste like a television?

  • Electronic waste CANNOT go in the trash.
  • Click here to learn how to recycle E-Waste and TV’s.
  • The Township has also engaged services to host Township wide e-waste recycling events. Please call 215-443-5414 for more details as to this year’s schedule.

► What do I do with Hazardous Waste? Latex Paint?

Household hazardous waste is collected by the Bucks County Planning Commission. For more information about Bucks County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events, please click here to find the information from the Bucks County Planning Commission or call at 215-345-3400.

Car batteries, gasoline, motor oil, pesticides, oil-based and other toxic and hazardous materials do not belong in the trash! Many auto stores accept used motor oil and car batteries.

Latex paint ONLY: let paint dry in can. Adding kitty litter or a commercial drying agent will speed up the drying process. When paint is dry, double bag the can before putting it in the trash. Leaking paint will damage our trucks and stain your street.

► What is yard waste? How is it collected?

  • Yard waste pick up days are dependent on your location and can be found here
  • We compost your grass and leaves! Place all grass and leaf waste into fifty-gallon kraft biodegradable bags or loose in cans, no plastic bags! Up to ten containers or bags per week. No branches, stumps, or logs! Place these items out as bulk items.
  • Don’t mix trash with your grass or leaves.
  • Grass and leaves will be picked up once per week from April 1st to December 15th each year. December 16th through March 31st, put them in the regular trash.  
  • When preparing your yard waste for pick up, please follow these guidelines:
    • Place all grass and leaf waste into fifty-gallon kraft biodegradable bags or loose into cans
    • Up to 10 containers or bags may be collected per week.
    • Do not mix trash and yard waste
    • No: Plastic Bags
     --- Branches, Stumps, or Logs (May be placed out as bulk items)
  • Christmas Tree Collection
  • Trees should be placed curbside the week of the second Monday in January on what would normally be a “yard waste” day. The will be collected as yard waste and recycled. At any other time it will be collected as a bulk trash item.
  • Parks and Recreation takes Christmas Trees from December 26 through the end of January at Warminster Community Park. Call the Parks and Recreation office at 215-443-5428 for details.

► How do I dispose of my Christmas tree?

  • Trees should be placed curbside the week of the second Monday in January on what would normally be a “yard waste” day. The will be collected as yard waste and recycled. At any other time after it will be collected as a bulk trash item.
  • Parks and Recreation takes Christmas Trees from December 26 through the end of January at Warminster Community Park. Call the Parks and Recreation office at 215-443-5428 for details.

► What is the holiday schedule? How will this affect my collection?

If your collection day falls on a holiday it will be skipped until the next scheduled collection day. Holidays: New Year’s Day (January 1), Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (December 25). The next regularly scheduled collection day for your service will be considered a double pick up. Between 12/25 and 1/1 if recycling is skipped for 2 weeks, an additional recycling pickup will be scheduled.

► Mascaro is to begin providing trash and recycling toters in 2019. How will these be delivered? How will this affect trash and recycling collection? What happens if my toter is damaged?

In 2019, for the first time, JP Mascaro will be providing two red wheeled toters, one for trash and the other for recycling collection. The toters are the property of JP Mascaro and should remain with the property should you move. You can use any container up to 35 gallons for any additional trash that does not fit in the can, up to four additional cans. Additional cans should not weigh more than 50 lbs.

Toters will first be delivered before the end of January 2019 to each residence.

► What happens if my toter is damaged?

Should your Mascaro toter be damaged by routine wear and tear or a Mascaro crew, Mascaro will replace the toter at no charge. Should a resident damage a toter, residents would be responsible for the cost of replacement. Call JP Mascaro at 1-800-432-1616

► I do not wish to have either a trash or recycling wheeled toter. Can I refuse them?

There will be no fee discount for refusing the toters. However, once the cans have been delivered to your property in 2019, you can call Mascaro to collect them at 1-800-432-1616 and they will be removed from your property.

► I am a new resident. How do I set up trash collection? Where do I get my toters?

There is nothing that needs to be done for new residents to set up trash collection. Your trash fee for the first year in your home will be pro-rated to the date of closing on the property. After January 2019, the toters should already be on your property for both trash and recycling collection. If this is not the case, please call Mascaro at 1-800-432-1616.

► My trash was missed / I still have a question:

You can call Mascaro’s customer service department at 1-800-432-1616 or email Please be sure to include your name, address, and a call back number as well as any pertinent details about a missed pickup, including what was missed (trash/recycling/yard waste) and how much.

► What does the information pamphlet look like?

Click here for a copy.

► How is the hauler picked?

  • Any work over $18,900.00 needs to be bided out. This requires potential business to supply their price in a sealed envelope which is not open until a specific time. Once everyone has submitted, we review the bids to make sure they meet all that we require. Once checked, we go with the lowest bid.
  • Township issued a bid for trash and recycling service. We asked for bids for multiple options. The pricing was to be based on a five-year contract with an option to extend for two more years. 
  • One option the Board of Supervisors selected was to include two toters for each property served. One is for trash and one is for recycling. This is being done to ensure each customer has a proper receptacle for their waste and to cut back on the number of loose bags and trash on the streets.
  • The cost of the toters is included in your annual trash fee. You will see that your fee has been adjusted to take into account the new contract.
  • The previous fees had remained unchanged for seven years.


School Address Phone Website

Centennial School District

Centennial School District Administration Building
433 Centennial Road
Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: 215-441-6000
Fax: 215-441-5105
School Closing Number – 753
William Tennent High School 333 Centennial Road
Warminster, PA 18974
n/a n/a
Klinger Middle School 1415 Second Street Pike
Southampton, PA 18966
n/a n/a
Log College Middle School 730 Norristown Road
Warminster, PA 18974
n/a n/a
Davis Elementary School 475 Maple Avenue
Southampton, PA 18966
n/a n/a
McDonald Elementary School 666 Reeves Lane
Warminster, PA 18974
n/a n/a
Willow Dale Elementary School 720 Norristown Road
Warminster, PA 18974
n/a n/a

Parochial Schools

Archbishop Wood High School 655 York Rd.
Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: 215-672-5050
Fax: 215 325-1437
Nativity of Our Lord Elementary School 585 W. Street Rd.
Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: 215-675-2820

Right-to-Know Law

How to Make a Request for Records:

All Right-to-Know Law (“RTKL”) requests must be addressed to the Right-to-Know Officer (Open Records), as follows:

For non-police request
Tom Scott
401 Gibson Avenue
Warminster, PA 18974
Telephone: 215-443-5414
For police request
Chief James Donnelly III
401 Gibson Avenue
Warminster, PA 18974
Telephone: 215-443-5000

Requests can be submitted by mail; in person or by e-mail to, which allows for a requestor to submit a request electronically. You may use our printable request form or provide a request that is legible. The link to our request form is under Section IV, Additional Links.

A request should identify or describe the records sought with sufficient specificity to enable the Right-to-Know Officer to ascertain which records are being requested and shall include the name and mailing address to which a response should be addressed. You are not required to state a reason for making a request for records.

While verbal requests may be fulfilled, the requester cannot pursue the relief and remedies provided under the RTKL unless the request is in writing. The RTKL allows five (5) business days for a response to be provided to a requestor and a verbal request will not expedite a response by the Right-to-Know Officer.

Make sure when you file a request, you are seeking records and not asking for legal advice, opinions or guidance. The RTKL requires only the release of public records and allows for the charge of reasonable fees including, but not limited to, copying and postage.

Right-To- Know Law Request Form

Right-To-Know (Police Department Request)
Policy 4.11.1 – Pennsylvania Right to Know Act (Police Department)

Resolution #2008-12


How to File an Appeal:

If access is denied, in whole or in part, the requester may file an appeal with the Appeals Officer, within fifteen (15) business days of the mailing date of the denial or within 15 business days of a deemed denial, to the following address:

Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor,
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

The appeal shall state the grounds upon which the requester asserts that the record is a public record and shall address any grounds stated by the Right-to-Know Officer for denying the request.

In the event your records request is denied, please make all appeals to:

Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, Plaza Level
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225

Phone: (717) 346-9903
Fax (717) 425-5343



General Information:

Contracts: If you are requesting a state contract, certain state contracts are available on the Treasury Department’s publicly accessible website and can be viewed by searching the Contracts e-Library, located at

Office Hours: The regular business hours of the RTKL Office are 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays and official office closings). Any RTKL request received by the RTKL Office after the close of regular business hours shall be deemed to have been received by that office on the following business day.

Public Record Request: Be advised when RTKL requests are submitted to this agency, the request itself becomes a public record subject to disclosure under the RTKL, if requested.

Public Transportation

Information Center (daily 6am-Midnight): 215-580-7800

Customer Service: 215-580-7852

Dial-A-Schedule: 215-580-7777

Warminster Rush

The Warminster RUSH public shuttle provides peak-hour connections between SEPTA R-2 trains at Warminster Station and businesses along Jacksonville Road and Almshouse Road in Warminster and Northampton Townships, Ivyland Borough, and Southampton. Connects with certain Street Road RUSH buses at Davisville Center.

Cab Services

  • Bux-Mont Transportation Services Inc.

726 Fitzwatertown Rd
Willow Grove, PA 19090

  • Willow Grove Yellow Cab

726 Fitzwatertown Rd.
Willow Grove, PA 19090

Warminster Township History

The Early Years

Long before Willam Penn’s famous treaty with the American aboriginals we call “Indians,” European settlers explored the wilds of what is now known as Bucks County and made their homes here. The trickle which started some years after Columbus made his startling “discovery” increased with each successive expedition to America. Lower Bucks County was much the same as the rest of the country, a few faint Indian trails and an occasional Indian village being the only signs of human habitation.  logcollege

When William Penn began, in 1682, to organize his “New Deal” in government in the new country, he had the nucleus of what was later to become one of the most solid and prosperous centers of population, in the country. On June 23, 1683, William Penn bought from the Lenni Lenapes the land “lying between the Pennepack and Neshomamic creeks and all upon the Neshomamic creeks and backward.” General Davis, in his “History of Bucks County” says “the surface of the township is generally level, with but little broken or untillable land. There is no better land in the county than the plains of Warminster which extend eastward to the hills of Neshaminy.”

There were no legal subdivisions in the county before 1692, although for the convenience of collecting taxes and for other municipal purposes, limits and names had already been unofficially given to many settlements. Southampton and Warminster were so called as early as 1685 by the provincial council in drawing up the county borders. The Bucks County court, in 1692, formed the township limits throughout the county for the purpose of more convenient tax collecting. This was done by a jury which met at the Neshaminy Meeting House in Middletown, situated within a mile of what is now known as Langhorne. The settled parts of the county were divided into five townships, four others being mentioned but not returned as geographical subdivisions. For purposes of municipal administration, our Township was described as “Southampton and the lands about it, with Warminster, one.”

In 1703, the court recognized Southampton as a township in itself and it was permitted to elect its own highway supervisor. In March, 1711, Southampton petitioned the court to be separated completely from Warminster in county assessments and tax collections. The petition was granted and the separation became official. For some reason, which has been lost over the years, Southampton in 1712, again petitioned that it be allowed to “remain a township in its entirety.” This has led to some confusion as to the actual date of separation. McReynolds, in his “Place Names in Bucks County” gives the date 1712. Davis’ History of Bucks County states: “The two (Warminster and Southampton) elected but one constable and overseer for several years, and they were not entirely separated in their municipal administration until about 1712.” Other sources are at variance as to the date when each became “a township in its own right,” but it is generally conceded that the first petition on the part of Southampton was made and granted in 1711.

Warminster was named after a small town in County Wiltshire, at the western extremity of Salisbury Plain, England. The name is of Saxon origin – WAR meaning a fortress and MINSTER meaning a church of a monastery.

Neighboring Municipalities

Municipality Phone
Hatboro Borough 215-443-9100
Horsham Township 215-643-3131
Northampton Township 215-357-6800
Upper Moreland Township 215-659-3100
Upper Southampton Township 215-322-9700
Warrington Township 215-343-9350
Warwick Township 215-343-6100